HOME > Fall 2008 - Volume 52 - Number 4

OACAS Roll Out of Care Welfare Professional Curriculum (Formerly Known as New Worker Training Series)

Yes, we’ve changed the name of this valuable training series! Look for it under its new name: Child Welfare Professional Training Series, included in the category Foundations of Child Welfare Practice.

In order to orient current trainers about the critical changes made to the materials, OACAS will be hosting web conferences on the following dates:

January 7

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Course 1-4
Course 5-8

January 8 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Course 5-8
January 9 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Course 5-8

Who should register:

• Trainers who have previously delivered New Worker Courses 1 – 9

• Agency Training Designates who are interested in how the trainer curricula has changed

• Supervisors and Managers who need to know about the training materials their team members are receiving

What to expect:

• An overview and update on the changes to the Child Welfare Professional Training courses

• Trainer tips

• How to use the new Trainer Guide

• Information on new terminology and supplementary training tools

• An update on our course evaluations

We recommend that you bring copies of the current course curriculum for your reference to the training sessions.

How to register:

Each trainer will need to attend one session which includes the courses s/he trains. If a trainer is interested in attending a session that s/he does not currently train we would be happy to accommodate them. Contact your Agency Training Designate to register you online through OACAS.

The deadline to register for the January 7, 8, 9 sessions is December 23. These deadlines will allow us enough time to send you confirmation letters, which include the instructions on how to participate in the web conferences, prior to the sessions taking place.

Previous article: Discovering Your Supervisory Style

Next article: Children Exposed to Domestic Violence: Building Safety in Child Welfare*

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OACAS www.oacas.org