HOME > Fall 2008 - Volume 52 - Number 4

Jeanette LewisMessage from the Executive Director
By Jeanette Lewis

All children deserve loving families, safe homes and the best opportunities to reach their full potential. Ontario’s community services and programs support vulnerable families to ensure that children are never the victims of an economic slowdown.

On November 20, National Child Day, OACAS recognized the rights of all children to be protected and asked Ontarians to remain committed to securing a prosperous future for our children. OACAS also encouraged the Ontario government to continue its commitment to reducing poverty and sustaining support programs and services for children and families. At this time of widespread economic uncertainty, decreased government revenues and spending, and increased unemployment, the progress of Ontario’s children threatens to be overlooked. It is more important now than ever to stand up for them. Any erosion of the safety net, in these tough times, will have a direct impact on the ability of families to cope with the stresses of job loss, housing issues, and poverty, and on the safety and protection of children.

During Adoption Awareness Month in November and Foster Family Week in October, OACAS brought special attention to the need for more caring foster and adoptive parents for children in care and Crown wards. In early fall, OACAS and member agencies launched the Child Abuse Prevention Campaign aimed at educating the public about everyone’s duty to report suspected or actual child abuse to their local Children’s Aid Society. In late summer, OACAS presented recommendations in a report, Strong Families Creating a Strong Ontario, to the provincial government as part of the public consultation regarding the impact of poverty on families in our province.

This edition of the Journal presents articles about programs and services for youth and children in care such as: the outcomes of supplemental learning programs; the mental health of youth in care in Canada, Britain and the United States; the supervisory and leadership style of managers in child welfare; the effect of domestic violence on children; and the KARE Plan, a health and dental benefit program for our children and youth.

Jeanette Lewis
Executive Director

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