The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS) and member Children’s Aid Societies have officially launched Child Abuse Prevention Month (CAPM), a month-long campaign to raise awareness about child abuse prevention in Ontario. One of the key goals of this campaign, now in its 25th year, is to educate professionals and the public about how calling a Children’s Aid Society with a concern about the safety or well-being of a child or youth is one of the most effective ways to prevent child abuse and help a family in crisis.
“The community plays a huge role in keeping children safe,” says Mary Ballantyne, CEO of OACAS. “Unfortunately many people worry that their call to Children’s Aid will lead to splitting up a family. During October we will be raising awareness about how a call to Children’s Aid leads to an offer of help that can make all the difference to children, youth, and families.”
Children’s Aid Societies across the province will be raising awareness in their communities through a range of activities, including educational presentations to key partners and public events. One of the highlights of the campaign will be a provincial GO PURPLE DAY on Wednesday, October 19th. This year, boards of education and schools across the province will be participating and going purple.
Learn more about CAPM and GO PURPLE DAY by visiting our Child Abuse Prevention Month campaign page.