Children and Youth in Care Day was proclaimed by the government of Ontario in 2012 to recognize the enormous contributions children and youth in and from care make to the Province. The day recognizes their strength, bravery, and resilience in the face of adversity.
Children and Youth in Care Day is a reminder that children and youth in and from care require allies, advocacy, support, and collaboration to help them reach their full potential. Children and youth in care are children and youth who live in kin, foster, and group homes because of conditions that make it unsafe for them to live with their primary caregivers. There are approximately 12,000 children and youth in care in Ontario and an average of 800 youth transition to adulthood and independent living every year.
Traditionally on this day, OACAS has organized an in-person celebration. This year, due to COVID-19 we are celebrating with a virtual show of support and recognition through social media. We are excited to see young people, our member agencies, and other key partners from across the Province sharing their messages of celebration and support. Most importantly, we are delighted to see young people from across the province coming together in a moment of mutuality and celebration.
This year, we are particularly pleased to have the support and participation of many members of provincial parliament, including Premier Doug Ford. Thank you to our community and government partners for lending your support to this important day.
Here are just a few of the photos and videos that have been shared so far today to honour Ontario’s children and youth in and from care:
- Premier Doug Ford
- Hon. Andrea Horwath, Official Leader of the Opposition and NDP MPPs across Ontario
- Hon. Jill Dunlop, Associate and Minister of Children and Women’s Issues (full statement available here)
- John Fraser, MPP for Ottawa South and Interim Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party
- Mike Schreiner, Leader of the Ontario Green Party
Thank you to all Children’s Aid Societies and Indigenous Child and Family Well-Being agencies who are working tirelessly, especially during this difficult time, to ensure that children and youth in care are heard, supported, and cared for in their communities. Thank you for going above and beyond in these extraordinary times for these incredible children and youth. We would also like to extend our gratitude to children and youth in and from care for the contributions you make to Ontario.
Finally, and most importantly, thank you to all children and youth – today is your day – we see you, we hear you, and we celebrate you!
To join the conversation, follow the hashtag #CARE4CARE, follow us on Twitter at @our_children and @ONT_YouthCAN, or visit our webpage at or Facebook page
Nicole Bonnie
Chief Executive Officer
Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies