Are You There for Kids in Care? Join the #ForgetMeNot Campaign and Show You’re Part of the Community that Cares

Each year, on May 14, the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS) and our member children’s aid societies and Indigenous Child and Family Well-Being Agencies (child welfare agencies) celebrate Children and Youth in Care Day. It is a day to recognize the valuable contributions of current and former youth in care to communities across Ontario. It is also a time to acknowledge the strength and resilience shown by these young people in the face of adversity.

This year is an especially significant milestone, as we recognize the 10th anniversary of Children and Youth in Care Day. The day was created because of the stories, experiences, and recommendations shared by youth in and from care through the My Real Life Book report. The report centred the voices and stories of children and youth in and from care and highlighted their distinct needs.

To honour the origins of this important day, OACAS celebrated by relaunching our YouthCAN Provincial Youth Advisory Committee (YPYAC) with an in-person event in Toronto on May 9. Members of the YPYAC met for the first time in person to build connections, learn more about OACAS, and celebrate together. We welcomed other first voice advocates with connections to YouthCAN and OACAS, youth featured in our #ForgetMeNot campaign, and the youth engagement staff who champion this work within our member agencies as well.

In recognition of Children and Youth in Care Day, we are launching registration for our provincial YouthCAN conference today—the first in-person event of its kind since 2019! The conference supports the learning, connecting, and well-being of young people in care aged 13 to 18. The conference will take place in August and member agencies can submit an expression of interest here. OACAS representatives will also be at Queen’s Park today as guests of Hon. Michael Parsa, Minister of Children, Community, and Social Services in recognition of Children and Youth in Care Day.

And finally, we are continuing to partner with the Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada (CAFC) to share the stories of six young people with experience in the Ontario child welfare system, as well as the influential people in their lives who contributed to their well-being and success through the #ForgetMeNot campaign. We are asking Ontarians, including organizations, service providers, communities, and government, are you there for kids in care?

Because young people in and from care need to know they have the support of their communities. They need to know they are not forgotten.

So, join us in recognizing the 10th anniversary of Children and Youth in Care Day! Visit to learn how you can get involved so that children and youth in care feel seen and are supported to succeed and thrive.