Youth celebrate Youth in Care Day at Toronto City Hall – and push for more opportunities to make their voice heard On May 28, 2018 / Accountability, Advocacy, African Canadian Families, Child Poverty, Child Welfare Agencies, Children, Community Partners, Featured, Government, OACAS Events, Permanency, Youth
Chantal Leduc, a child protection worker, explains how using AOP (anti-oppressive practice) and sharing power with families can make all the difference to their experience and outcomes On April 24, 2018 / Accountability, Advocacy, African Canadian Families, Child Welfare Agencies, Children, Featured, Indigenous Services, Research, Youth
Kike Ojo, Program Manager for One Vision One Voice, reflects on the Anti-Oppression Round Table’s 10th anniversary On April 24, 2018 / Accountability, African Canadian Families, Child Welfare Agencies, Children, Featured, Indigenous Services, Research, Youth
6 reasons why Anti-Oppressive (AO) practice is critical for child welfare in Ontario On April 24, 2018 / Accountability, Advocacy, African Canadian Families, Child Welfare Agencies, Children, Featured, Indigenous Services, Research, Youth
Children’s Aid Societies Welcome OHRC Report, Take Action to Combat Over-representation in Child Welfare On April 12, 2018 / Accountability, Advocacy, Child Welfare Agencies, Children, Community Partners, Featured, Government, Publications, Research, Youth
Budget invests in vulnerable children and families, but child welfare largely left out On March 29, 2018 / Accountability, Child Poverty, Child Welfare Agencies, Children, Community Partners, Featured, Government, Indigenous Services, Publications, Youth
Ontario’s first Child Welfare Immigration Centre of Excellence to open in June On March 28, 2018 / Featured, Government, Youth
Emergency Summit on Indigenous Child Welfare in Canada On February 28, 2018 / Accountability, Advocacy, Child Poverty, Child Welfare Agencies, Children, Featured, Government, Indigenous Services, OACAS Events, Youth
Beyond freshly baked cookies: Using One Vision One Voice to reflect on social work practice On February 27, 2018 / African Canadian Families, Child Welfare Agencies, Children, Featured, Youth