What is the Trauma Informed Care course?
The Trauma Informed Care course is a free, bilingual, self-study eLearning course that aims to prepare foster, group, kin, adoptive, and customary caregivers to support the needs of children and youth in their care who have been impacted by trauma. This course meets the criteria of the Policy Directive: Residential Licensing 001-23: Training on the Provision of Foster Care and is suitable for resource caregivers, children’s residence staff, child welfare professionals, students, and volunteers.
What topics are covered in the Trauma Informed Care course?
The Trauma Informed Care course includes topics such as an introduction to trauma, the impact of trauma on the developing brain, trauma and attachment, systems navigation, and supporting youth with behaviours that can put themselves and others at risk.
The Trauma Informed Care course also includes education about the importance of self-care when caring for children and youth with trauma histories. Participants will complete interactive activities that encourage caregivers to practice self-care for their own health and emotional well-being.
Who should take the Trauma Informed Care course?
The Trauma Informed Care course was created for foster, group, kin, adoptive, and customary caregivers. However, the information in the course will benefit anyone working in the child welfare sector, as well as parents and guardians caring for children and youth who have experienced trauma.
Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives is changing!
As of March 13, the Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives learning series has transitioned to the Trauma Informed Care: Supporting Children and Youth course. This change aligns with the trauma-informed care requirement in the recent Policy Directive: Residential Licensing 001-23: Training on the Provision of Foster Care and O. Reg. 156/18, Section 120.1, and Section 120.2. This course provides approximately 4 hours of training.
How long will it take to complete?
The Trauma Informed Care course has a total of 8 modules. Each module takes approximately 30 minutes to complete, for a total of about 4 hours.
What topics are covered in each module?
Participants will gain an understanding of the basics of trauma and how trauma derails development and can lead to Complex Developmental Trauma.
Participants will build on their understanding of complex developmental trauma by learning about the threat response system and how it becomes hypersensitive in those with trauma histories.
Participants will learn about the Window of Tolerance, how it is changed by exposure to toxic stress in Complex Developmental Trauma, and how this is expressed through the behaviours of children and youth in care.
Participants will learn how to recognize when a child or youth in their care is dysregulated and how to respond in a trauma-informed way that supports co-regulation.
Participants will learn effective communication strategies for children and youth with trauma histories.
Participants will learn about the importance of self-care when supporting children and youth with trauma histories and will also develop a self-care plan through interactive activities.
Participants will learn about behaviours commonly referred to as “risky” as they may pose a risk of harm to themselves or others, such as substance abuse. Participants will learn why children and youth with trauma histories engage in these behaviours and how to respond to them in a way that supports the development of alternative, healthy behaviours for youth with trauma histories.
Participants will learn how to be a trauma-informed advocate for children and youth in their care, with a specific focus on how to navigate the educational, medical, and mental health systems.
How do I register?
For registration details, email TraumaInformedCare@oacas.org. You will receive a response within two business days.