OACAS is pleased to announce the reopening of the Clark Bursary Award and new eligibility criteria for 2024 applications.
The Clark Bursary Award is open to current or former Crown Wards/Extended Society Wards, those under Voluntary Youth Services Agreements (VYSA) and those in Customary Care. At this time, those in Kinship Service and Care, adoption or interim society care will be considered not eligible.
Award applications will be accepted from July 15 until August 31. Applicants may be eligible to receive a $2,000 Clark Bursary Award, paid in one lump sum.
All award decisions will be made on a first come first served basis for those youth who meet the eligibility criteria.
Please note: Those youth who have previously received an award will be considered only after the prioritization of new youth applicants and where funds allow.
About the Award Program
OACAS administers the Clark Bursary Award Program on behalf of the Ron and Nancy Clark Foundation. It was established in 1989 through a generous donation by Ron and Nancy Clark of Caledonia, with the goal of assisting youth in and from care to achieve their academic and career goals.
Applicants may be eligible to receive a $2,000 Clark Bursary Award, paid in one lump sum.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must:
- Be 30 years of age or under at the time of application.
- Be/have been in the care of an Ontario children’s aid society or an Indigenous Child and Family Well-Being Agency.
- Be in, entering, or graduating from a post-secondary educational activity (trade, apprenticeship, or university or college program) OR
- Be 18+ and completing secondary school credits through an adult learning centre or credit completion program.
- Provide proof of educational activity (class schedule, transcript, graduation diploma, certificate, invoice, or other proof of an expense related to education, training, or certification). The activity must be current, planned for the next semester, or within the 12 months before submission.
In 2024, the Clark Bursary extends eligibility to include youth 18+ completing secondary school through an adult learning centre or credit completion program.
Click here to register and apply. See here for more details.
If you have any question regarding the Clark Bursary Awards program, contact awards@oacas.org.
Please know that your information is collected and used for the sole purpose of administering the Clark Bursary program. If you’d like to withdraw your consent at any time or discuss how it is being used, contact awards@oacas.org.
Additional Financial Support
- Explore opportunities available at your post-secondary institution.
- Visit the Educational Support section of the Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada website, where you will find a variety of scholarships and awards for youth in and from care that you may be eligible for.