Fall 2010 - Volume 55 - Number 4

The Journal is the premier publication of the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS) and the best source of information on research and practice in child welfare. The Journal features articles from researchers and practitioners showcasing projects and initiatives at local agencies, research institutes and universities to improve the well-being and health of children and their families.

The Journal has been redesigned to be more accessible and environmentally friendly and an on-line edition is now available. If you're having trouble viewing this email, click here. Click on the links to read the articles or download the printer-friendly PDF version. The electronic, web-friendly versions of the Journal are available at www.oacas.org. Please forward this e-version and share with your colleagues.


Message from the Executive Director
By Mary Ballantyne

A Peer Led Social Support Group for New Employees: Findings of a Pilot Study
By Rick Csiernik, Carrie Smith, Jennifer Dewar, Laura Dromgole, Arlene O’Neill

The Role of Developmental Assets in Resilient Outcomes Among First Nations and Métis Young People in Out-of-Home Care
By Katharine Filbert and Robert J. Flynn

Book Review - Evidence for Child Welfare Practice
By Bruce Leslie

Therapeutic Access: From Supervising Access to Building Parent-Child Relationships
By Mary Rella

World Forum 2010 - Youth Declaration
By Adam Diamond and Jade Maitland

Clinical Counselling: A vital part of child welfare services
By Clinical Counselling in Child Welfare Committee

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